© Oda Wenaas Torget
Áššu base their music on traditional Sami Joik. Ulla Pirttijärvi joiks of her relatives and her home villages Utsjoki and Angeli. Olav Torget and Harald Skullerud complement the ensemble with string instruments and percussions.
The ensemble draw further inspiration from West African grooves and tradition. They vary their expression from wide atmospheres and quiet moods all they way to more uptempo grooves.
The world music scene has long enjoyed their music especially around African and Arabic tradition. This has influenced the instrument choices and unique sound of the new album Áššu (Embers).
With this album I’ve wanted to present my relatives’ joiks and the joiks of those persons who have had an influence on my life. These joiks are part of my family identity. They are traditional joiks from my home village of Angeli and Utsjoki, where I now live. There are also Sámi villages’ joiks and joiks that are related to the Sámi view of the world. The pieces gives a modern context to the traditional joik, and express and support in a plain and
acoustic style the feelings and stories of the joiks.
Lean dainna skearruin háliidan buktit ovdan fulkkiidan ja daid olbmuid luđiid, geat leat mearkkašan olu mu eallimis. Dán skearru luođit leat oassi mu sohkaidentitehta ja dat leat mu ruovttugili Áŋŋela ja mu dála orrunbáikki Ohcejoga guovllu árbevirolaš luođit. Skearrus leat mielde maiddái dakkár luođit, mat muitalit sámegilážiid birra ja luođit, mat laktásit sápmelaš máilmmigovvii. Modeardna musihkka, mii lea ovttastuvvon árbevirolaš luđiide,
doarju akustihkalaš stiillain luođi dovdduid ja muitalusa.
Ulla Pirttijärvi-Länsman
Year of Release: 2019
Catalogue-Number: NN126
Year of Release: 2025
Catalogue-Number: NN191