© Kim Saarinen
Hydroelectric power plants! Scratchy archive tapes! A toy accordion! All these fine ingredients are finally brought together in the form of Suistamon Sähkö – the uncompromising folktronica act with a taste for folk poetry, rap and manic dance moves!
Suistamo’s old village maps as their guide they travel the bumpy roads of Karelia to bring you the grooviest accordion rhythms, funkiest samples and fizziest electronics, all tied up in a sweet bundle of folk tradition and hip hop influences. With crazy music scientists Anne- Mari Kivimäki and Eero Grundström and fearless dancing vocalists Reetta-Kaisa Iles and Tuomas Juntunen at the helm, you are left with no choice but to dance yourself into a trance!
Anne-Mari Kivimäki and Reetta-Kaisa Iles are PUHTI.
Eero Grundström is a member of Celenka and Sväng.
Year of Release: 2018
Catalogue-Number: NN120
Year of Release: 2016
Catalogue-Number: NN080
Year of Release: 2021
Catalogue-Number: NN148